吴军博士《数学之美》第二版中提及的“纵横相加”校验码圣经抄本查错法,在页边附注的参考文章中并未找到直接相关内容,与之相近的内容,一番搜索之后,可见于Evidence for the Bible一书。
In order to accomplish this task, the Masoretes used very strict rituals to insure that errors would not creep in. Every detail of the copying process was prescribed, from the writing materials (the skin of a clean animal), to the number of columns that were to appear on each “page,” to the length of each column (greater than 48 but less than 60), to the width of a column (30 letters). Even the color of the ink (black) was specified. Nothing was to be written from memory. Copies could only be made from an authentic copy that was still in good condition.
In addition to these precautions, the Masoretes used a technique similar to one used by computers to insure that data is transmitted correctly. In computers, this technique is referred to as a checksum. Put simply, what the Masoretes did was count everything that could be counted. Each verse, word, and letter in every book had a number. The middle word and the middle letter of each book was known. Even the number of times each letter of the alphabet occurred in a book was counted. In this way, each new copy could be accurately checked to see if any errors had been made. If the numbers did not come out right, something was wrong and the error would be found and corrected.
Ivan Panin,人称“圣经数字学之父”的这位老兄,在经文的数字化研究方面近乎“走火入魔”!他原本是个顽固的不可知论者,却因圣经文字背后蕴藏的数字结构编码入门归信,更在1891年出版了一本专著:The Structure of the Bible: A Proof of the Verbal Inspiration of Scripture——这还只是开始——Ivan兄在1942年逝去之前,50多年中,一直对这项研究乐此不疲。他在New York Sun上面向读者下挑战书——“谁能驳倒我的观点?!”,自个翻译新约——圣经数字学加强版的新约😅——The New Testament from the Greek as Established by Bible Numerics。实际上,要能这样“疯魔”的门槛着实不低——需要熟悉两希原文,需要相当的数学敏感,普通吃瓜群众想跟风都难。
吴军博士《数学之美》中对马索拉文士的校验码查错法介绍虽然稍显粗放,但用来“观其大略”也差不多齐了。在相关资料把握还不充分时,我无力对此问题做进一步深究,毕竟圣经数字学是个黑洞,可以瞬间抽干如Ivan Panin这等牛人的大半生精力,我辈凡人还是早些抽身为妙😅